Monday, November 22, 2010

Beautiful Things

So yeah! I’m new to this whole blog thing but hopefully you guys like it.

Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a church function. Every part of this function was amazing up until this particular individual insisted on speaking and giving a testimony. In all honesty, I knew it was going to be a disaster. Everything about it screamed “hello, I’m a terrible idea”. It frustrated me so much because we had the opportunity to change lives drastically, forever. Instead, the night was going to be not only a waste of time, but an embarrassment to the establishment. As the night progressed, this particular individual had turned out just as I thought, absolutely terrible. But when it came time for altar call, something changed. People were crying, praying, and praising. It was beyond me to think of how this was possible. But then, it clicked. The whole day I thought I was doubting the ability of this one person, when in all actuality I was doubting the ability of God. I doubted his power to use imperfect individuals, his ability to lead us through the spirit, and I greatly misjudged the impact that night was going to have on me as a person.
God spoke to me that night. While I was looking out at all these people thinking what is wrong with you all, he asked me…

“Lyndsei, Who do you think I am?”

I immediately felt humbled and ashamed. He is the One and Only God. The one who gives us breath, who is ever constant and always faithful.  Doubt is within our nature, but to doubt the only perfectly constant, pure, and beautiful thing we’ve ever known is pure stupidity.  We put faith in man everyday. What is holding us back from putting faith in the one who deserves it? I want to challenge you guys with the same question. Who do YOU think He is? Who is he to you? and if He is the I AM for you like He is for me, then why are we not glorifying him, with every waking breath?